Our services

We build locally rooted, globally connected entrepreneurial communities for impact at scale.

Our ecosystem nurtures the growth of impact ideas and enterprises and fosters ecosystem collaborations that drive systemic change.

5 K

Businesses founded since 2012

30 k

Jobs created since 2012

Empowering ideas that serve people and the planet

Impact Hub is your partner in scaling innovation and driving meaningful change. Whether you’re interested in exploring future-forward solutions, crafting impactful programmes, or developing powerful social initiatives, we’re here to make it happen. Join us and tap into the potential of innovation to build a just and sustainable society.

Accelerating impact through ecosystems

Impact entrepreneurs face various challenges in growing their organisations,  including securing sufficient capital and talent, meeting market demands, and enhancing efficiency. Organisations, on the other hand, grapple with fostering innovation and collaboration among stakeholders from the public, private, and civic sectors to drive systemic change on critical issues like climate change and inequality.


We bridge these gaps by co-creating actionable interventions that deliver tangible impact.

What we offer our ecosystem

For entrepreneurs and innovators

For foundations, organisations, policymakers

  • Co-design and convene strategic collaborations and (thematic) ecosystem building.
  • Collectively create bespoke and/or thematic acceleration programmes.
  • Capture and share impact insights and practitioner-led policy through action research,  ecosystem mapping services, and collaborative communications campaigns.

For corporates

Harness the power of impact, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Our collective impact

We build thriving businesses that care for our people and the planet.

380 +

Programmes in 59 countries in 2022

1 k

Programme participants in 2022​

90 +

Trans-local programmes in 42 countries in 2022

60 %

Of ventures have women in leadership positions

Impact partnership highlights

It's time to (re)think (re) design (re)imagine the future

We’re inviting Impact Makers from all backgrounds and sectors to collaborate in accelerating inclusive and sustainable innovation. Together we can drive positive change in our local communities and beyond. Are you with us?

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